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Little Boy Tries To Buy Christmas Tree For Neighbor Who Lost His Dad. But She Never Thought His Mom Would Say This.

Kevin L

I work in a party store. An eight-year-old customer comes in a few weeks before Christmas and I serve him.

Eight-Year-Old: “Can I see your Christmas decorations? I need to get some really cool ones.”

Me: “Sure you can. Is there something special you want to get, little guy?”


Eight-Year-Old: “I want to get a pretty tree with ornaments, and stockings, and presents, and Christmas lights! It’s for my neighbor.”

Me: “That’s a lot to get for your neighbor, sweetheart. Why do you need all of that?”

Eight-Year-Old: “Their daddy died. They don’t have Christmas this year, so I wanted to give it to them. I even got $100 from my mom to do it.”

Me: *on the verge of tears* “That’s very generous of you. Tell you what, let’s pick out some stockings and a tree. Then I’ll talk to my manager to see what we can do about some toys. How many kids does your neighbor have?”


Eight-Year-Old: “Three. [Name] is my best friend. I’m going to give him my presents for Christmas. I asked Santa to bring him an XBox, too, but Santa might be busy. So I’m going to give him my XBox.”

Me: “I’m sure, in this case, Santa will be listening very hard.”

(I help him pick out some special decorations and a tree. I ask my manager what we can do. Apparently, the boy’s mother has told my manager about the neighbor’s husband having passed away a few weeks ago in a bad accident, leaving the wife to support their family. We do a special discount of 50% off everything. We even donate some bulk bags of toys and stockings. By this time, we’re trying not to cry. On their way out, the mother thanks us.)

Mother: “He doesn’t know it, but both he and his best friend are getting an XBox for Christmas. He’s only eight and he wanted to give them everything. He even demanded we have them over for Christmas day. He is adamant they’re going to have a Christmas, no matter what.”

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