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Mom leaves hospital with ill 9 week old son to find that a stranger paid her parking ticket

Kevin L

After spending several days in the hospital when her 9 week old son became ill, the last thing this mom needed was to find a parking ticket on her car windshield. Originally from Australia, the mom discovered a touching gesture from a complete stranger as she approached her car.  The mom posted the ticket and a note from a stranger who only gave her first name, Laura, on the Canberra Mums Facebook page Sunday.

Over the past few days I have been in hospital with my 9 week old son. We were discharged today and as I walked to my car I noticed that I had a parking ticket. After those days in hospital, a parking ticket was one more thing that I didn’t need. Well to my surprise, when I opened the envelope there was a note from a lovely lady named Laura (attached).
I hope that Laura sees this and knows how much I appreciate her support.
Thank you so much

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