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10 Classic Mom Sayings Every Kid Grew Up Hearing

Anika Markle

Moms have their own language—a mix of tough love and timeless wisdom. Here are 10 iconic mom sayings that will transport you back to childhood:

1. "What part of 'no' don’t you understand?"

When “no” wasn’t up for negotiation.


2. "I don’t care who started it!"

Because moms are referees, not detectives.

3. "Money doesn’t grow on trees."

A gentle reminder that nothing comes for free.

4. "Your face is going to freeze like that."

A warning for every kid who made silly faces for too long.

5. "Your hands are not broken."

Translation: You’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself.


6. "Beds are made for sleeping, not jumping."

An early lesson in respecting furniture (and gravity).

7. "No one said life is fair."

The reality check nobody asked for but definitely needed.

8. "Eat your vegetables."

Moms, the original health coaches.

9. "I don’t know is NOT an answer."

Because avoiding the question was never an option.


10. "Because I said so… That’s why!"

The ultimate end to every argument.

Which of these mom classics do you remember hearing the most?

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