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17 Everyday Products People Think Are Massive Scams

Anika Markle

When it comes to consumer goods, some items seem to have a knack for sparking debate.

We asked our audience and here are the top picks for products people believe are overrated—or downright scams. Grab your coffee (but not the fancy kind, as you’ll soon find out why), and let’s dive in!

1. Taxes

Many argued that taxes feel like a scam when roads crumble, bridges falter, and veterans are left without support. Meanwhile, some believe politicians are cashing in while the public gets poorer.


2. Warranty on Electronics

Ever tried to claim a warranty, only to hit roadblock after roadblock? One commenter labeled them a cash grab.

3. Expensive Coffees

That $7 latte? It might taste good, but not everyone is sold on the value.

4. Bottled Water

Why pay for something that’s virtually free from the tap? Bottled water made the list as both an environmental and financial burden.

5. Diet Products

“Anti-aging creams” and “magic weight-loss pills” were heavily criticized for preying on insecurities without delivering results.


6. Starbucks and Energy Drinks

Some folks aren’t buying the hype—or the price tag—of big-name coffee chains and sugary energy drinks.

7. Magnesium and Supplements

While some swear by their health benefits, others argued supplements are unnecessary if you maintain a balanced diet. (Cue the heated debate in the replies!)

8. Washing Machine Soap Sheets

Ever noticed ads for these popping up constantly? One person dubbed them a gimmick with more hype than substance.


9. Car Extended Warranties

A recurring theme in the comments was how these warranties seem to promise the moon but often deliver little.

10. Teeth Whitening Strips

They might brighten your smile, but several people felt the results weren’t worth the price tag.

11. Solar Panels

Despite their eco-friendly reputation, one commenter claimed they’re more of a hassle than they’re worth.

12. Cable TV

With endless streaming options, paying for traditional cable seems outdated and overpriced to many.


13. Valentine’s Day

Overpriced flowers and chocolates? Some believe the holiday is a commercialized trap for those who forget to show love year-round.

14. Insurance

It’s a necessary evil, but plenty of people felt the premiums outweigh the benefits.

15. Fancy Cell Phones

Is the latest iPhone really that much better than the last? Some say it’s all about marketing.

16. Dyson Vacuums

Known for their sleek designs and hefty price tags, Dyson vacuums were accused of not being as groundbreaking as advertised.


17. Febreze and Laundry Scent Beads

A few users were suspicious of their “toxic” ingredients, calling them unnecessary and even harmful.

18. Crumbl Cookies

While their packaging gets rave reviews, some argued the taste doesn’t justify the price.

Which of these do you agree with, and what would you add to the list?

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