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His Wife Won’t Cook Enough, So He Took Matters Into His Own Hands!

Anika Markle

What happens when love, hunger, and secrecy collide? A man thought he found the perfect way to keep his marriage drama-free—until a surprise encounter with his mother-in-law blew everything up.

Now, he’s facing the wrath of his wife and questioning everything. Buckle up for this wild marital dilemma he shared online!

My wife and I are both 32.


Since we got married and moved in together five months ago, my wife has simply not made nearly enough food for me. This is not a kind of situation where I’m constantly agitated at her for incompetence or anything like that. I would be more than happy to microwave a burrito. I would be more than happy to whip up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

But I can’t. My wife has, every single night of our marriage, done the same thing: she’ll make me a tiny dinner. I’m talking like a Chinese chicken salad with 30 grams of chicken and ten leaves of lettuce arranged fashionably with dressing. When I finish eating, I’m still hungry because for a 230 pound man who works a physical labor job, it’s not enough food.

At first, I tried to openly communicate with her, but she always took it horribly. She would adopt a thousand-yard stare, and then begin talking about how incompetent she is and how she can’t even make her husband a proper dinner. I’d try to calm her down with “Oh honey that’s not the case! I just eat too much” or “Don’t worry about it. I can make a bit more.” I’d try to be overwhelmingly positive. It never helped. She would always just get incredibly disappointed in herself, cry, and/or take it out on me.

Then she would make the same exact amount the following day.


After the communication route failed, I tried to eat her dinners as-is. It became hard to sleep at night due to hunger and I lost seven pounds in the first month.

Eventually I figured out my own system. On my way home from work, I started swinging by a fast food restaurant and getting myself a burger. I would basically pregame her meals with some more calories. I figured it was win-win, as what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her, and I could have my fill of food. I would eat on my way home, walk in the door, pick at the salad or quinoa or homemade Mac and Cheese she made, compliment her for her delicious cooking, and later dispose of the wrappers discretely.

Two days ago I was on my way home and in line at a drive-through. My MIL was coming out of the restaurant. She ran over and greeted me. I asked her in a humorous way not to tell her daughter where she saw me because she’d take it badly, and she agreed, but then she narced on me anyway. I got home to a furious wife who demanded details. When I provided the truth she got extremely angry and looked legitimately hurt.

I’m not good at handling confrontation and feel like I betrayed my wife in some way. Was I wrong here?


Sometimes, even the best intentions can lead to unintended hurt.

The question now is: how can this couple find a way to communicate openly and meet each other’s needs without resentment or misunderstanding?

What advice would you give them? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook.

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