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A Customer Returns A Box Of Stale Cupcakes, And This Is What She Puts Inside The Box

Kevin L

Being a small business owner is tough and rarely smooth sailing. Meet Sharon, who runs Mrs C’s Cupcakes in Penrith. She is a little behind in her lease due to unexpected medical costs from their sons unknown degenerative disease. Along with a string of bad luck and a family death. The amazing folks at KIIS 1065, an Australian media company, decided to give Sharon a little help.

The Kyle and Jackie O Show program has sky-rocketed to fame over the past few years, due largely to its philanthropic spirit. Kyle and Jackie are experts at not only finding individuals in need, but giving them something that really makes a difference. For some it’s a financial kick start, for others a vacation to spend time with family, but whatever the case, the duo always finds a clever and memorable way to present their gift. Please enjoy and share the video.

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