I got Hurricane – What Kind of Storm Are You?

You are downright deadly. No one would ever try to mess with you. You are feared and rightly so. Once you get on the warpath, there’s no stopping you. People know to get out of your way as soon as they can. You only pick up momentum as you progress. You may calm down temporarily, but you always get a second wind. You’re one storm that takes a while to pass.

I follow my head- Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?

You’re rational, logical and peaceful to the point of being zen. You are able to look at things clearly and without emotion. While you’re cool, you’re not ice cold. You just know what you want, and don’t mind waiting to get it. You are naturally calculating and even a bit cunning. You don’t like to show your cards too early in the game.

I got Heart – Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?

You’re romantic, sentimental, and emotional.
You bring the spark in the relationship and tend to fall in love very quickly. You’ve definitely broken a few hearts, but you’re not a heartbreaker by nature.
Your intentions are always good, even if they change with the wind.

Selfless Provider – What Two Words Describe Your Husband?

He’s fiercely loyal and willing to put everything on the line to assure safety to his loved ones. He gives more than he receives and is always striving to maintaining a healthy and tight-knit relationships. He’s the center, the rock, for many people in his life.

Remarkably Big-Hearted – What Two Words Describe Your Husband?

Spending time with this man never gets old. He believes that life is about living and therefore is virtually immune to the physical afflictions caused by stress and worry. He stays positive and seeks to enjoy all aspects of his life, as much as humanly possible. With him, there’s never a dull moment at home or when you’re out and about. He keeps life exciting!

Strong Pillar – What Two Words Describe Your Husband?

At your weakest moments, his strength keeps you stable and inspires you to push through. He isn’t immune to pain or frustration, but he does handle it well, and he knows how to pull himself out low places. He is always there for you to lean on, squeeze, and find comfort in when it feels like only a hug will do. He is loyal, devoted, and a true pillar in the world of the woman he loves. He is the perfect recipe for a loving husband that you can count on through thick and thin.

Brave Fighter – What Two Words Describe Your Husband?

He puts family first, always. He’s a selfless man, who lives to please those he cares most about. He can’t rest until he knows the ones he loves are okay. When the world around him comes crumbling down and the sun seems as if he it will never rise again, this man still believes – his faith is his foundation. He strives for perfection everywhere. Words like “no”, “can’t”, and “impossible”, are just not in his vocabulary. He’s a fighter, and he will fight with you and for your marriage.

I got David – Which Bible Person Are You?

You are courageous and strong in your actions. You are loyal to everyone, even to them that persecute you. Most of all, you have a keen understanding of Mercy and you love to serve God. You Are David.