I got White – What Color Is Your Name?

Your name tells people that you have good intentions and a pure heart. You try to always speak the truth. You are happy to step back and let other people shine. You don’t seek attention or acclaim. People see you as someone who is generous and ethical. You can be counted on to do the right thing.

I got Yellow – What Color Is Your Name?

Your name tells people that you are welcoming and cheerful. You are open to all the love in the world. You are a warm person who can’t help but make others feel comforted. You are truly radiant. You are the sunshine in other people’s lives. You make more of a difference than you realize.

I got Blue – What Color Is Your Name?

Your name tells people that you are friendly and caring. You have a strong sense of empathy, and you aren’t afraid to wear your heart for all to see. You can often be found in quiet reflection. People see you as insightful and intuitive. You believe that it’s important to live as good of a life as possible.

I got Purple – What Color Is Your Name?

Your name tells people that you are polite and cultured. You are well mannered and always act appropriately. Compared to most people, you have a much broader view of the world. People see you as wise and civilized. No matter how bad things get, you always keep your head.

I got Black – What Color Is Your Name?

Your name tells people that you are serious and sophisticated. Your name makes you seem like a total mystery. You are elegant and a bit apart from everyone else. You are much more formal than those around you. People see you as smart and together. You can adapt well to most situations, but you never feel like you truly fit in anywhere.

I got Red – What Color Is Your Name?

Your name tells people that you are powerful and intense. Your name makes people take you seriously. You stand out in a crowd and command attention. You can’t blend in – and you would never try to or want to. You’re well known for being passionate, and you inspire strong feelings in others. People either totally love you or totally despise you and that’s perfectly fine with you.

I am Zen – What 3-Letter Word Describes You?

You’re the type of person that doesn’t need a lot to be content. You experience happiness in the best and worst of times. You believe that every moment, person, and creature is unique and special. You are an oasis of calm in this chaotic world. You never lose your head.

I am New – What 3-Letter Word Describes You?

You are obsessed with new. You cherish the opportunity of starting new on a clean slate. Whether it’s is a new day, a new year or a new beginning. You believe in giving second chances and seizing the moment to make the most of it.