I’m a Mystic – What Should The World Know About You?

You are an island. You don’t need anyone else to make you happy. And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you. Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights. You also tend to be psychic – so listen to that inner voice.

I’m a Revolutionary – What Should The World Know About You?

At your best, you are brave, intense, and fearless. You have guts. You have no problem standing up for what’s right and asserting yourself. You’ll fight for what you believe in. You face the abyss head on, an you challenge your friends to do the same. You have the guts to be who you are.

I’m an Idealist – What Should The World Know About You?

You are a complex and deceptively simple person. You have many interesting layers to your personality, though others might not know it. You are drawn to a cross section of people. There are many ingredients in your life, and you only want them in the right amounts. Being you is a delicate art.