I got Real – What 4-Letter adjective best describes you?

You’re a person of hope. You don’t give up on anyone or anything. You take commitment seriously. If you make a promise, then make sure to deliver. You are wise, but more of your wisdom comes from experience than from reflection. You know what you’ve experienced. You have made as many mistakes as everyone else, but you have learned from every single one of yours. Keep keeping it real.

I got Keen – What 4-Letter adjective best describes you?

You’re the type of person that’s at ease around others. You are engaged with the world and with life. You find it easy to get in gear, and you’re usually busy. It’s very important that you’re able to do your own thing. You’re emotionally stable and totally together. You have struck the perfect balance in your life. You are confident and self-assured. You believe in yourself fully and completely.

I got Kind – What 4-Letter adjective best describes you?

You don’t know why, but magical things just seem to happen to you. You’ve had great luck and an incredible life. You don’t regret much in your life. Your benining may be rocky, but it’s made you who you are today. You are thankful for each person who has loved you in your life. That’s why you try your hardest to show the kindness you’ve been given.

I got Pure – What 4-Letter adjective best describes you?

You’re a person that reflects depth and wisdom. People find you to be loyal, honest, and comforting. You are comfortable with who you are, and you don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.
What’s hidden behind your eyes is a tender heart that’s pure.

I got Cool – What 4-Letter adjective best describes you?

You are calm and collected. You don’t make much of a fuss – in fact, no one can tell when you’re excited. You are not very emotive and expressive. You tend to temper any feelings with logic and rationality.
You are steady and consistent. You are a person of your word, and you like to keep to a schedule. Your energy tends to be at the same level throughout the day. You know how to pace yourself. Keep chilling.