I got The Sweet Sister – What Kind of Sister Are You?

You are true to your siblings no matter what the circumstances and they always know how much you love them. You are trustworthy and faithful. As a sister you are a friend for life. You are hard-working and believe in persevering. You don’t give up on anything or anyone. You will be there through thick and thin.

I got The Thoughtful Sister – What Kind of Sister Are You?

You are generous and caring. You often know exactly what your siblings need. You are good at helping others with their problems. You are very patient and compassionate. You don’t get angry easily. You have a big heart, and you try your best to give others the benefit of the doubt. You are protective of your friends and family members. You would do anything in your power for them.

I got Caring Sister – What Kind of Sister Are You?

You’re the sister that’s always there to encourage and cheer on your siblings. Your good sense of humor is your best feature, and it makes you one of the coolest sisters in town. You’re the first one there to cheer them up after a bad day and you’re in the front row when they have a big day. Everyone needs a sister like you to help them celebrate or cheer them up when they’re down!