I got David – Which Bible Person Are You?

You are courageous and strong in your actions. You are loyal to everyone, even to them that persecute you. Most of all, you have a keen understanding of Mercy and you love to serve God. You Are David.

I got Joseph – Which Bible Person Are You?

You’re a hard worker that has his priorities in order. You’ve gained tremendous wisdom with all that you’ve gone through. Most of all you understand that forgiving is essential to move forward regardless of how much success one has. You Are Joseph!

I got Peter – Which Bible Person Are You?

You’re a fiercely loyal man. Willing to put everything on the line to follow your heart and after the truth. You’re fearless to declare what you believe. You are the center, the rock, for many people in your life. You Are Peter!

I got Abigail – Which Bible Person Are You?

Little is known about you, but you are a beautiful woman of strength, courage, intelligence, integrity and wisdom. You understand your place, and act with decisiveness. You are the source of wisdom and reason in your household. You Are Abigail!

I got Mary – Which Bible Person Are You?

Mary Magdalene. You’re the friend of everyone, loving and reflective. People feel comfortable in your home. You know how to prioritize. You don’t let your busy life distract you from spending time with things that matter.

I got Hannah – Which Bible Person Are You?

You are perseverant. Even though God was silent to your request for many years, you never stopped praying. You never doubted God’s abilities. You were provoked and mocked about things out of your control. But you continued praying fervently and in due time your request was fulfilled. You Are Hannah!