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A 4-year-old Boy Wanders Onto Rugby Field And Ends Up Scoring In The Match

Kevin L

Rugby is a beloved sport in many countries of the world, particularly in Australia and New Zealand. The “Legends of League”, a charity game featuring all-star ex-players from New South Wales and Queensland was played in Australia. Some of the most famous ex-players put on a game for fans in Queensland, and one little boy wanted to be a part of the action. Somehow, this bold kid managed to find his way on to the field (or pitch, as it’s known) and instead of trying to usher him off, the players from both teams give him a lifetime moment of glory.

You can see many of the opposing players “missing” tackles, and when he gets a little tired, one of them lifts him up across the goal line for a moment he won’t soon forget.
What a class act from the true legends of rugby.

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